MUSICPLAY K-Gr. 4 Complete Curriculum

Item No: 28534


MusicPlay is everything you need for a comprehensive, stimulating, and affordable K-4 music program.

Denise Gagne's award-winning K-4 curriculum introduces musical concepts and world cultures through songs, games, and activities in sequential lessons that follow the calendar year. It has a wide-ranging repertoire of classical, folk and children’s recordings, as well as units on instruments, composers, recorder, ukulele, guitar and more.

These kits are valuable to classroom teachers and music specialists alike, and work well with any methodology, including Orff and Kodaly. MusicPlay also includes crosscurricular connections to language arts, drama, math, social studies, science, daily PE, dance, health, and social skills. It meets all state and national standards for grade level skills, scope, sequence and assessments.

What's included:

  • Grades K-4 Teacher’s Guides: Month outlines, weekly lesson plans, curriculum connections, and songs with suggested teaching activities and assessments.
  • Digital Resources for Grades K-4: A collection of digital resources, including videos, PowerPoints, and mp3s, to save on your computer.
  • Listening and Perf/Accomp MP3s (over 100 selections per grade)
  • Listening Resource Kits Levels 1-4 with reproducibles, maps, listening logs and activities
  • Primary Dances and Singing Games (6037)
  • 2-year Online Subscription to MusicplayOnline for one teacher or school

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Why we recommend MusicPlay and our Curriculum Activity Kit (21791) 


Affordable. More cost effective than any other full curriculum, with online access for all grade levels included.

Includes both physical and digital materials. A comprehensive set of printed books, manipulatives, and visual aids will be yours to keep, even after your online subscription expires. See our Curriculum Activity Kit (21971) for a full suite of manipulatives and game tools to complement Musicplay.

Strong music appreciation and listening component. Includes classical music, composers, and history, with recordings of all songs, listening selections and dances.

A wealth of content beyond what is included in other programs. Complete ukulele and guitar units, beginning and advanced recorder units, choral music with piano accompaniments, multicultural selections sung by people of different cultures, and much more.

A continually expanding curriculum. The online website (MusicplayOnline) is adding units and sections monthly. 

2-year subscription to MusicplayOnline is included with purchase of the full curriculum.

An active online user group with helpline

All materials fit on a cart for teachers with limited space or who move from room to room.  

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