WHAT TO TEACH WHEN Gr. 2-3 Spiral Paperback

Item No: 7559


A Thoughtful and Engaging Music Curriculum by Don Dupont and Brian Hiller.

The goal of this series is to provide curriculum tools and resources to teach skills and concepts in an aesthetic and creative class environment.Repertoire and activities to teach elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, texture, and timbre are carefully selected and sequenced to allow the concepts to spiral and build with each new piece. Book includes lesson plans and songs, and CD-ROM has colorful visual aids to project or print. 

Grade 2 is enthusiastic, making connections between sound and symbol: play, sing, move to, improvise with rhythms and known songs and dances; introduce to half and whole notes and rests, play barred instruments in melody and simple orchestrations, know the full pentatonic scale.

Grade 3 learns the pitches of the staff, adds syncopation, anacrusis, and dotted half to rhythms learning, explores duple, triple meter in movement, singing and playing, add more levels  and parts, begin recorder with B, A, and G notes, and sing in major and minor keys.

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