$89.00 - $159.95

THE SINGING CLASSROOM by Deborah Skydell Pasternack is a highly acclaimed searchable website of songs, games, dances, videos and animations designed to help you teach your PreK-6 music classes. Pasternack, an experienced teacher and certified Kodály instructor, demonstrates the activities and songs through easy-to-follow live video and charming animations, with lesson plans and resources to download. Over 150 carefully curated songs and activities, with more being added regularly, cover everything from familiar tunes to holiday songs to songs from other countries, with original language and translations. All songs, games, movement, dance and activities have clearly defined pedagogical goals which support National Standards.

The Singing Classroom integrates with any existing curriculum, or can even serve as a curruculum on its own. Search the database to find activities by grade level, solfege, genre, holiday, topic, movement, meter, mode or scale, instrument, parts singing, rhythm, composing, and more! Videos show effective ways of introducing and teaching songs and games, and how to avoid common pitfalls. The beautifully minimalistic follow-the-dot and bunny animations show teachers and students visually and non-verbally how to do the games and dances. A huge time saver and superb value for busy teachers. Audios, video demos, animations, lessons, and downloadable scores, lyrics, posters and manipulatives make this a one-stop shop for music classes. Highly recommended!

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Deborah Skydell Pasternack is an elementary school music teacher with over 16 years of experience teaching grades PreK-6 general music, chorus, and instrumental ensembles. She has an M.M. in choral music from the University of Illinois, and is a certified Kodály instructor. She also has extensive training in the Orff and Dalcroze approaches.

You’ll find not only folk songs from the United States, but from around the world. Original text and translations are provided for songs not in English. Also included are carefully curated original songs appropriate for holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving. All songs, games, and activities have clearly defined pedagogical goals which support National Standards.

Hundreds of testimonials from teachers report that students are more engaged in class, singing in the hallways and at recess, and bringing the songs home to sing with their families.

It’s possible to use the materials on the site to create an entire curriculum. Or, use any of the materials on the site to fit seamlessly in with what you are already teaching.

Instead of waiting for conferences, Saturday workshops, or summer classes, get new songs and games on a regular basis.


  • Instead spending hours flipping through books, use the search engine to find exactly what you’re looking for. Browse by grade level, or get more specific searching by type of game or musical skills and concepts.
  • Find everything you need for a particular song or game all in one place. Lyrics, scores, audio, video, animations, and links to manipulatives are all on a single page.
  • Watch demonstration videos that show effective ways of introducing and teaching songs and games. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls! Your time is valuable and won’t be wasted with lengthy introductions or explanations.
  • The videos are succinct and get right to the point. Watch bunny animations to learn games and dances instead of trying to decipher written descriptions! It takes just seconds to understand a movement game or handclap when you see it done. You can even go on the site for a few minutes between classes to review or even learn a brand-new activity quickly.
  • Show the bunny animations to your classes! Children used to learn singing games and handclaps by watching each other. Nowadays, children spend more time doing adult-organized activities, and music teachers must bring these joyful musical experiences to the children. When children watch the bunnies, it recreates the experience of watching other children play the game. They learn the games instantly, saving you precious class time. In addition, the hand-drawn bunnies allow children (and teachers) to learn without being distracted by the children’s age, ethnic background, or gender, or even by trying to guess the amount of money the music program receives bases on the classroom decor!
  • Don’t wait for materials to come in the mail--gain instant access to the posters and other pictures shown in the videos! Just print out nine pages of poster pieces on regular printer and tape them together. Or, simply project the image on a screen or interactive whiteboard.
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