The NIGHT THE MUSIC ROOM CAME ALIVE Interactive eBook & Teaching Guide

Item No: 99592

($28 Value - Save $3)

Story and music by Zachary Himelhoch and Otto Gross, illustrations by Josie Clark

The Night the Music Room Came Alive tells the story of a magical school music room that comes to life at night. This fun and exciting story follows the instruments as they come to life and transform the music room into a concert hall to create their own unique orchestra.

Throughout this story, instruments commonly found in the general music, band, and orchestra classrooms come alive and work together to create a completely unique musical performance. The story explores the traditional sounds made by each instrument and how each instrument’s sound fits together to create an ensemble.

The Night the Music Room Came Alive introduces young readers to many different instruments commonly found in school music rooms. It showcases themes like exploration, creativity, and teamwork. Grab the accompanying teaching guide for a holistic learning experience that will allow the reader to dig deeper into these themes as well as the different instruments featured in the story.

The interactive animated Flipbook version allows the reader to explore the music room through animation, instrument sounds, and pre-recorded loops on each page. This version is also narrated with a custom backing track allowing ease of use for the classroom and for younger aspiring readers.

Flipbook comes with an interactive version with rich media that can be accessed via the web on any device. It also comes with a PDF version of the flipbook that can be read offline.

What's included:

  • eBook
  • Teaching Guide aims to help parents and teachers connect with their young learners and to bring the music room beyond the page to create a holistic literary experience. Serves a wide range of students and can be easily adapted to be engaging for younger and older students simultaneously.

Additional Info

Teaching guide includes:

  • Instrument Identification Sheet
  • Discussion Questions for each of the main themes
  • Reflection Question Worksheet
  • Music-based activities:
    - “Music Room” Instrument Matching Game
    - Word Search
    - Crossword Puzzle
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