RHYTHM GAMES & FEEL IT! Rhythm Games for All Books & CDs Set

Item No: 9065

($43 Value - Save $4)

What's included:

  • Rhythm Games for Perception and Cognition (Q657)
    by Dr. Robert Abramson, internationally acclaimed Dalcroze teacher at Juilliard. Connect body, mind, and feelings with these movement games for all ages-kids to adults. Elementary and middle schoolers especially love the games with balls and other movement-in-place and movement-in-space activities that challenge their active listening and quick reaction skills. Students will increase attention and concentration skills with games that actively focus ear, mind, and body on rhythm and other musical elements. Paperback & CD
  • Feel It! Rhythm Games for All (5100)
    by Robert Abramson includes 79 games that develop rhythm skills sequentially through movement, ear training, and imagination. Bounce balls in Games of Beat, walk and jog in Games of Subdivision, create body canons in Games of Patterns, learn to conduct in Games of Measure, & much more! Awakens all ages to the music within them and challenges them to turn movement into musicality. Includes 2 accompaniment CDs. Paperback & 2 CD
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