THE OTHER DAY I MET A BEAR Hardback & mp3 download

Item No: 6511


SongTale adapted by John Feierabend and illustrated by Julia Miller to supplement his First Steps In Music Curriculum

This picture book is one in a series based on beloved children’s folksongs, part of John’s lifelong goal to identify and preserve the best music of our heritage for future generations.

You will love how the one who “Met” a Bear is a playful Fox. The two new friends have a great time running around in a friendly game of chase. Without changing any words, Julia Miller’s creative setting is a playful romp, or a game of tag. The fox and bear had a great day of fun.

The last stanza of the song: “This is the end, there is not more, Unless I see, that bear once more,” lets us know that even through the play is done for the day, they will likely reunite in the future for even more fun!

This delightful song functions both as an echo song and a songtale.

Includes a description of the history of the song, the notation of the song, and a link to a free MP3 download of the song (see below).


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Windows users right click on the link.
Mac users hold down the Option key as you click the link. Then select either "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." and choose the location you would like to save the file on your computer.


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