BLACK BELT RECORDER Teacher's Multimedia 2 Download

Item No: 22059


This exciting new easy recorder method motivates kids to progress at their own pace! 

This download includes all the teachers notes, worksheets, interactive activities, student tracker, free student version of all interactive activities and more that you can access anywhere on any device. Perfect for data projector, interactive whiteboard, PC, MAC, iPad, Android and more.

Additional Info


  • The next three belt levels (green, blue and purple)
  • Super slow versions of the songs that actually scroll across the page while showing the fingering and a white glow behind the notes.
  • Interactive note interval exercises with variable speed, live fingering and glowing notes.
  • Interactive music symbols game.
  • Draw moving recorder characters and notes.
  • Graduate with a humorous animated Recorder Man hosting the entire belt graduation ceremony.
  • Interactive testing of students with results recorded automatically.
  • Every student has their own lite version of each level FREE to compliment their student book! They will do the activities and test on their own computer or device!


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