International Folksongs for Voices and Orff Instruments by Shirley W. McRae
16 globe-spanning folk songs are presented both in English and their original language, with dances and games provided. Orff process steps are also provided. Your students will be singing and dancing in no time! Grades 3-9. Paperback
Snake Dance Song (Iroquois)
Sleigh RIde (Ukraine)
Usagi, Usagi (Japan)
Ton Moulin (France)
Lullaby (Thailand)
Tongo (Philippines)
Achshav (Israel)
Silver Moon Boat (China)
Tue, Tue (Ghana)
Nani Wale Na Hala (Hawaii)
San Sereni (Spain)
Alouette (French Canada)
Let's Go To Adana (Turkey)
Lost My Gold Ring (Jamaica)
Love Somebody (Appalacia)
Roll the Chariot (African American)